TCK Consultant

While working at the United Nations in NYC, I met Matthew Carpenter, who like my own children, grew up a Third Culture Kid. Matt’s parents are Asia specialists. His father, Bruce Carpenter, is an expert on Chinese poetry and art history. His mother, Juliet Winters Carpenter, is an internationally recognized literary translator. Matt was their first child and named in a nod to Matthew Perry and Edwin Reischauer, two men who made signal contributions to Japanese-American relations.

I went to university in Japan in the ’70s and my wife is Japanese. I have a lot of Japanese friends and know a lot of Americans that have lived in Japan. By far, Matt is the most bicultural and bilingual speaker of Japanese I have ever met. I encourage you to check out his BLOG/Website @

OR LinkedIn @

Matt assists Japanese organizations that wish to enter or expand into Western markets. He also works as a liaison between Japanese and Western organizations. Matt’s passion is to build a business that bridges Western and Japanese cultures and worldviews to enable organizational success.


Matt was born in Nara, Japan to American parents. He lived in Japan for a total of 21 years and can function as a native in both the United States and Japan. Currently lives in New York City. Professional accomplishments include:

  • Multiple front-page scoops for The Yomiuri Shimbun, including one based on the confidential report on North Korea.
  • Top 20 in sales at Wells Fargo Bank out of 850 fellow employees. Second in the district in customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Ranked top interpreter third quarter and November 2016 at CyraCom out of 1700 interpreters. Received several client recognitions, including three from Walt Disney Inc.
  • Assisted the translation of Columbia University professor emeritus Gerald Curtis’s book on Japanese politics.


  • 読売新聞の為トップ記事を何枚か入手、安保理北朝鮮制裁委員会の極秘レポートを含め。
  • ウェルズ・ファーゴ銀行営業担当部員850人の内、トップ20入りする実績を収める。カスタマーサービスのアンケートで、地区2位の結果。
  • シリコムでウォルト・ディズニー社など、取引先各社表彰多数、2016年第3四半期と11月社内所属通訳者1700人の内ランキング1位になる。
  • コロンビア大学名誉教授ジェラルド・カーティス著作『政治と秋刀魚』の英語翻訳のアシスタントを務める。